Monday 7 March 2011


Bali, is a really great place to stay and for holiday. A popular tourist destination in Indonesia, Bali is one of the must go island in the world. From the hip and happening beach in Kuta, to the temples of Uluwatu and Tanah Lot, to the peaceful Ubud and also the volcanos and dolphin sighting up in the north, there are many things you can do in Bali.

But that aside, there are also unique festivals celebrated only in Bali. First there's this Nyepi or "Day of Silence" where it's a day of relaxing for the people in Bali. You can't light fire, no working, no entertainment, no pleasure. Just pure lazying. (Why we don't have this in Malaysia? Hehe.) But I do wonder how their economy run on this day.

Anyway, another interesting festival is held a day after Nyepi. Omed-Omedan or Festival of Kissing is normally held a day after Nyepi. It's actually a unique ritual that is usually held by the Banjar Kaja people from a village in South Denpasar. What happens is that teenagers, boys and girls will find a partner and kiss, sometimes will find their other half as hoped by some of their parents. Usually boys will be more daring to kiss normally at the cheek but some will engage lips. Oh, and others will splash water on them if they kissed too long :p

Look up to the net for more information. Interesting huh. And you think you'd stayed in the wrong country. Do you want to find your life partner in this kind of festival?

I don't because I already have one.

Friday 4 March 2011


In our daily life, traffic at a standstill will be a norm to us. My profession requires me to travel around Klang Valley. There bound to be traffic jam somewhere so I’m kind of used to it. Still I do hope I don’t have to face it daily but from morning rush to lunch jam and to evening rush hour, we are most likely to be trapped in traffic jam. Well, it’s part of our lives now and we just have to live with it. This is a common sight in most advanced city in the whole world.

Source: The Star

Various bodies in Malaysia are looking into solving this issue. Calls were made to improve public transportation and also to car pool. Light Railway Transit (LRT) was built. Rapid KL added more buses. Mass Rapid Transit will be built soon.

But will all these help in solving the virtual train that we create every morning and evening? There bound to be some “suaku” (Hokkien dialect that means country bumpkin) to slow down and stare at accidents when they passed by. For goodness sake, it may just be a flat tire or someone fell off the motorcycle at the opposite lane. It’s not the time to be busybody unless you are the first one to arrive and knows how to do first aid. Else, just move on quickly so that other first aiders/ambulance can reach there faster.

I read in The Star newspaper on Saturday, 26th February 2011 (Click here for link). Quoted from the article in it:
Although Penang was fourth on the list with a total 2,209,770 vehicles, it had the third highest number of newly registered vehicles in 2010.
The island registered 110,882 new vehicles and was preceded by Kuala Lumpur (306,513) and Johor (145,040).
Kuala Lumpur registered a little over 300 thousand vehicles in 2010. How many vehicles were actually dumped? In 3 years, there might be close or maybe even more than 1 million new vehicles registered in KL alone. How about new vehicles in Selangor? If the amount of new vehicles in Selangor is one third of KL’s, then there will be about 1.2 million new vehicles in Klang Valley in 3 years time.

Do you think we ever can have a free flowing traffic every morning, every evening, daily? I doubt so.

Thursday 3 March 2011

A New Beginning

Finally, it has begun. The birth of this weblog, in short, blog.

Me, Luna Boy will try to update this blog as frequent as I possibly can. What you can expect to see in here includes stories of daily lives, travel review, restaurant review and many more that I hope will be exciting enough for you all to drop by here again.

If you have anything you want me to write about, just leave a comment or email me at and I will try my best to write it up as soon as I possibly can.

I sincerely hope that I don't procrastinate and leave this place without a story for a long time. Push me for new stories if you feel that I don't really post much.

Till then, thank you again for visiting this place and I hope you can include this page in your favourites.

Thank you.